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QuoteGenius Releases New Bot that Auto-Argues with Procurement Offices

A leading provider in RFQ software, QuoteGenius, has announced its plan to release BickerBot, a solution that eliminates the hassle of dealing with procurement departments.

“We’ve trained this algorithm using thousands of conversations with in-laws to take on all the typical challenges,” the CEO of QuoteGenius, Dave Harmon, wrote in AIWorld Magazine. “After submitting a quote, it automatically reacts to nonsense requests that are needed to win. Account executives can finally just rest easy and enjoy their time at the gym.”

Harmon also shared, “When we reviewed the chat logs to learn how BickerBot was performing, we found evidence of a variety of natural styles to closing the deal. This thing automatically modifies contractual language using vague terms. It searches through vast legal archives to prove a lack of precedent for litigation in the case of regulatory infractions. It can even hack the prospect’s database to find the RFP scoring rubric and pre-adjust the quote!”

When pressed about the ancillary costs a potential client would incur that are associated with BickerBots’ tactics, Harmon responded, “What do you mean? What does it matter, so long as you close the deal?”

All critical inquiries about BickerBot can be sent to, and will be settled by QuoteGenius’s proprietary tool, ComplaintBot.