Podcast Episode 1: Interview with Jen Terell
Hello and welcome to the City Snicker podcast, where we interview people in a desperate attempt to raise brand awareness.
I’m your host Evey Hammond, and today we have the pleasure of speaking with one of the most beautiful and therefore most successful women on the internet who posts on LinkedIn and Twitter and Facebook and Instagram about how people, even women, can get ahead in business. Her name is Jen Terell. She has a website that says she is an award winning entrepreneur, investor, and expert in creating internet conversations. She has 140,000 followers on LinkedIn and a personal website that shows a lot of pictures of her appearance on Good Morning America, and then another business website in addition to that website. She wrote an inspiring book that only took her ghost writer three days to edit after downloading from ChatGPT.
Congratulations and welcome, Jen.
Thank you! What an honor to be here today.
Jen, tell us how you got started.
According to my website, I started off as a normal. It was the middle of the pandemic, and like most people at the time, I was convinced that I couldn’t start a business because I was a woman. But then I read a ton of inspiring posts online that really helped me see that there was nothing to fear but fear itself. I realized that if there were others out there starting businesses by convincing other people to start businesses, why can’t I?
Well when I read the work you’ve done, I’m blown away. Scrolling through your public LinkedIn feed, you can see your tremendous output and positive impact. For example, over the last few days, you thanked an average of 330 people for commenting on your post that featured a picture of you in a stunning blue dress with a tweet pic that said, “Take the first step. It doesn’t have to be perfect.” Then you generously reached out and connected with others on their posts with words of affirmation like, “Thanks for sharing”, “This is interesting,” and “Agree 100%”. What an impact. How did you know that by generating such meaningful commentary you would be helping young entrepreneurs succeed in business?
Well they haven’t succeeded in business yet. But I can immediately tell from someone’s personal brand attributes if they have the desire it takes to become a success. For example, I pay attention to lighting, color scheme, the term ‘co-founder’, and a few impact-focused action verbs. I find these bright spots, shine a light on them, and watch them squirm – I mean fly! In the end, they have to take these words to heart and go out and make it happen.
Oh, so is that what your latest entrepreneurial venture does? Help them make that happen?
That’s right. At FancyBrands, we inspire and empower young entrepreneurs to start their own brands. We turn their dreams into reality.
Incredible. How do you do that?
First we invest in them by believing in them. That is always the first step.
And then?
Oh right. Our company takes out big, low interest loans so that we have the cash to invest in their budding business. And then we structure their company as a subsidiary of our company so we own a majority share and we usually earn enough to come out ahead in the end.
Oh wow, so that isn’t exploitative at all.
Not at all because we provide valuable services to these companies. We handle all of their strategic planning, accounting, and finances so they can focus on what they do best – and that is to live their passion by hunting for their own online audience and searching for public speaking engagements full time.
Truly inspiring. I went on the FancyBrands website to learn about this amazing venture. I clicked the About link and it read, “We couldn’t find the page you were looking for. This is either because there is an error in the URL or the page you are looking for has been moved.” So cryptic. If I couldn’t find the right page, what does this mean for me? Maybe that I also might need an investor to help me with my business stuff?
We can absolutely help. If you want to take our course to learn how to access the resources you need, you certainly can sign up.
So what advice do you have for young entrepreneurs starting today?
Keep putting yourselves out there! More and more people are starting booming businesses by talking about how people can start booming businesses. There are literally thousands of different ways to grow your business by convincing other people to start businesses.
Thank you so much, Jen.
We are speaking today with guest and clickable LinkedIn sensation Jen Terell. And as always, thank you for snickering along with us at the City Snicker podcast.