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Out of Touch Boeing CEO Boasts New 10% Employee Discount on All Aircraft

In response to growing complaints from the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA union about poor employee benefits, as well as global concerns about inequality, the Boeing CEO, Jim Daly, announced the launch of their new Equity-for-All employee compensation model. 

The model grants eligibility for all full-time employees, regardless of role, background, or tenure with the company, to receive a 10% discount off all aircraft manufactured by Boeing. 

In an interview, Daly boasted, “This is one of the most generous employee discount plans to date. We’ve set a new standard for benefits. This plan provides a cash equivalent of up to $8 million minimum per employee. Now all employees will have access to perquisites that have previously been reserved for upper management.” 

The total package will cost Boeing approximately 3 billion dollars during the plan’s first year as Daly expects a few hundred employees to jump at the opportunity to claim the benefit. He added, “It is a win-win. Our team players win because anyone with a Boeing aircraft gets to use the executive lounge, and the company wins because this crap is tax deductible.”