Area Careerist Unable to Enjoy Lovely Dinner Due to Guilt Over an Unproductive Day at Work
Area careerist, Arvid White, 31, came home feeling extremely guilty for not maximizing his time at work today, which he felt was a misallocation of precious company resources.
“After I cleaned out my inbox and wrapped up a few loose ends from a couple of projects I completed over the weekend, I wasn’t able to immediately schedule a touch-base with my VP to jump start the next four projects, so I’m not sure I am a valuable part of this company,” he shared with friends later than evening. Mr. White later expressed his intention to search through one of his seven Zig Ziglar books later that evening to search for tips in time management.
He later reflected, “I’m thankful that I’m not one of those people who likes to be busy for its own sake, but it really isn’t fair to our division that we are wasting such valuable human resources.”