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13-Step Process to Sign Up for Company Mindfulness Training is “Worth the Stress”

Early reports from employees who attended the tech startup Pentatech employee mindfulness training reveal that the 13-step process to sign up and participate is “worth the stress.” 

Jennifer Holland, who recently completed the 13 steps to get signed up in the company LMS, shared, “Once I signed up and attended the training, I learned so much about the most important thing:

to focus on essentials,

and to trim the fat,

and paying attention to the now,

and saying no to things that compete for my time,

and how flow can be achieved,

and the eight ways to achieve work-life balance,

and how efficiencies in planning can remove downstream impacts,

and other tips that I would have never learned by reading the latest popular blogs on the topic.” 

One of her co-participants, Karl Younger, also shared that “a lack of mindfulness at work costs Pentatech an average of $3,000 per employee per year,” so it was “worth the stress” for him to attend. Pentatech’s Chief Human Resources Officer revealed that program only costs about $3,600 per employee to participate, and expects the mindfulness training to be available for all employees by the fall of 2020.